Who are we?
“A hacker is someone who loves to program or enjoys playful cleverness, or a combination of the two. The act of engaging in activities (such as programming or other media) in a spirit of playfulness and exploration is termed hacking.”
We're HackSoc, the free-to-join technology, computing, recreational programming, and hacking society at the University of Nottingham!
Our members come from all different schools in the University, and we run our workshops and talks to cater to all different skill levels. So whether you've been programming your whole life, or you have never touched a computer, there'll be something for you!
HackSoc is run by these people!

What's on?
We regularly run workshops, talks, and social events. We host HackNotts, our annual hackathon, and have been for almost a decade. We travel to, and compete in, other hackathons, and we have a thriving community of Nottingham students and graduates in our Discord server.
There are currently no planned events, check back soon!
We're always delighted to welcome speakers in—if you have something cool to talk about, please get in touch!

News & more
We periodically publish newsletters to let you know what's going on with the soc. These are our most recent ones:
Want to change something on this website? Found a typo? Some styles look bad? Feel free to open a pull request!
This site is built with Hugo, a static site generator, with a custom HackSoc theme, and is rebuilt each midnight.