

Programming Café

Hello and welcome to our programming cafe events! This is a much more laid back event than our workshops and talks, just rock up and work on a project, and speak to other people about their projects! We’ll be encouraging people to do a brief show and tell towards the end, and you may end up spotlit in our newsletter! We will also have coffee and tea. The event will take place in the Exchange Building C33. Read more...

HackSoc Christmas Quiz

Come along to our Christmas quiz! We have booked out the top floor of the Rose and Crown pub, next to Jubilee campus, and we will be having a fun HackSoc quiz, with a bit of a Christmas feel. The quiz consists of rounds devised by committee members, and you’ll compete in teams. There are prizes for the winning team! After the quiz we will be playing some party games, so be sure to come along! Read more...

Programming Café

Hello and welcome to our programming cafe events! This is a much more laid back event than our workshops and talks, just rock up and work on a project, and speak to other people about their projects! We’ll be encouraging people to do a brief show and tell towards the end, and you may end up spotlit in our newsletter! We will also have coffee and tea. The event will take place in the Exchange Building C33 (provisionally, subject to room bookings. Read more...

Programming Café

Hello and welcome to our programming cafe events! This is a much more laid back event than our workshops and talks, just rock up and work on a project, and speak to other people about their projects! We’ll be encouraging people to do a brief show and tell towards the end, and you may end up spotlit in our newsletter! We will also have coffee and tea. The event will take place in the Exchange Building LT1. Read more...

Introduction to Go

Go is a modern systems programming language designed at Google by a bunch of clever people (including Ken Thompson who create UNIX and B, C’s predecessor, so you know it must be good.) It’s becoming a very popular language in a lot of spaces, especially on the web and in crypto. This talk will introduce you to the basics of the Go programming language including installation, making a project, and the language itself. Read more...

RHLy Old Linux

Peter and James have a play with some old-ass Linux CDs we found.

Arch Install Event

Prepare your best heckles, as Jacob and Peter will be installing Arch Linux live at this event - what could possibly go wrong? The event will take place in the Exchange LT3 lecture theatre on Jubilee Campus.

Programming Café

Hello and welcome to our programming cafe events! This is a much more laid back event than our workshops and talks, just rock up and work on a project, and speak to other people about their projects! We’ll be encouraging people to do a brief show and tell towards the end, and you may end up spotlit in our newsletter! The event will take place in the Exchange Building C33 (provisionally, subject to room bookings. Read more...

Building a Raspberry Pi Robot Arm with .NET 5, Blazor and SignalR

In this talk Pete Gallagher takes you through everything you need to build a robot arm with a Raspberry Pi, .NET 5 a Blazor App and SignalR. We begin by talking about .NET 5 and seeing how easy it is to install .NET 5. Then we look through the various circuits and spin up a console application to explore how we can control the GPIO on the Pi. We see how the Servos are wired up and get the code in place to start moving our Raspberry pi based Robot Arm. Read more...