

Workshop: Docker

Learn how to use Docker with Peter in this workshop. This serves as a follow up to his talk from the first introduction event. A Linux laptop or virtual machine (Ubuntu or Debian is fine) is highly reccommended to follow along, especially as there are no computers in the room we’re using.

Workshop: Introduction to Linux

Come along to an introduction to Linux for those who haven’t used the operating system before. This talk will cover several areas: What is Linux? Why would I use Linux? What makes Linux different from other operating systems? How do I get started with Linux? Common gotcha situations. How to find help? The event will take place in the Exchange Building LT3

Programming Café

Hello and welcome to our programming cafe events! This is a much more laid back event than our workshops and talks, just rock up and work on a project, and speak to other people about their projects! We’ll be encouraging people to do a brief show and tell towards the end, and you may end up spotlit in our newsletter! The event will take place in the Exchange Building C33 (provisionally, subject to room bookings. Read more...

Workshop: Discord Bots

Come along to our first workshop of the year and learn how to make your own Discord bot using JavaScript! Prior knowledge of JavaScript or programming in general isn’t necessary, as we’ll be explaining everything as we go along. We’ll be using the discord.js library, which will be the main focus of the workshop. There’ll be a quick introduction to the discord.js library, and then you’re free to make whatever crazy idea you might have for a bot! Read more...

Programming Café

Hello and welcome to our first programming café of the year! This is a much more laid back event than our workshops and talks, just rock up and work on a project, and speak to other people about their projects! We’ll be encouraging people to do a brief show-and-tell towards the end, and you may end up spotlit in our newsletter! The event will take place in the A32 Ada Lovelace laboratory. Read more...

2021 Welcome Week Event

Welcome to HackSoc! To kick off the new academic year, we’ve got our try-it introduction event. In this event, we’ll have talks on the following: Introduction to cyber security Asteroids to the Oscilloscope Coding for an art gallery In addition to an overall introduction to the society, and an overview of how you can get involved in the wider Nottingham tech community. The event will take place in the Keighton Auditorium, just down the hill from the Portland building, but will also be streamed on our YouTube channel because we may have to limit the number of people attending due to COVID rules. Read more...

2021 Welcome Week Event

Welcome to HackSoc! To kick off the new academic year, we’ve got our try-it introduction event. In this event, we’ll have talks on the following: Introduction to game development JPEG compression Docker & why it should be your friend In addition to an overall introduction to the society, and an overview of how you can get involved in the wider Nottingham tech community. The event will take place in the large Business School South lecture theatre on Jubilee Campus, but will also be streamed on our YouTube channel because we may have to limit the number of people attending due to COVID rules. Read more...


Nominations for the remaining roles on the committee are now open, so be sure to nominate yourself if interested! On Tuesday the 13th of July at 7pm on our Discord we have an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to fill out the roles on our committee. Make sure you come along to vote, and apply for a role if you are interested in contributing! If you want to run for committee yourself, please apply at https://hacksoc. Read more...

HackNotts 2021

HackNotts is our annual hackathon, and the largest event that HackSoc runs. Hundreds of hackers from all over the country will gather, and spend 24 hours making cool things! Hackathons are a great place to meet new people, learn new skills, and build your CV! Find more info, and get your tickets at hacknotts.com!