

Hack and Slash 6

Join us for our pub crawl, running jointly with the Medieval Combat Society (MCS). We will be going through Liquid Light Brewery, Neon Raptor, Angel Microbrewery, and BrewDog Nottingham. Hope to see you there!

Intro to Rust Workshop

During this event, our president will be covering the basic features of Rust, covering concepts like syntax, enums, structs and borrow-checkers. We will cover some of the basic features, and work towards implementing a LinkedList library in Rust. Here is a good resource on the area, the Intro to Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/

Poker Bot's Workshop

Next Tuesday, 20th February at 18:15, we’ll be holding a talk about an environment for game-playing AI agents to play poker against one another, made by none other than our president, Daudi Wampamba! During this event, we will be introducing the environment, written in Rust (with Python bindings). You’ll then be able to design your own poker bot before the following week’s event where we will pit all the bots against each other! Read more...

Cafe Crawl

Another edition of cafe crawl. We will be stopping at Elena’s Patisserie and Coffee Lounge, Blend EastWest, 200 Degrees (Flying Horse Walk), and CocoTang. Hope to see you there.

So you want a Robot?

This talk will be by Adrian Vecina who currently leads Robonotts. Here is his descripton of the talk: “We all know robots are going to be everywhere right? But what does it take to perform even the simplest task using a robot? In this talk I’m going to explore the challenges and approaches involved with creating autonomous robots, and all the different topics that combine into robotic autonomy.” If you’re interested in Robotics feel free to come down. Read more...

Café Crawl

Another edition of Café Crawl. We will be starting at 200 Degrees, and will be posting more info about the route soon.

Year in Industry Talk

This talk will be by Emily Haworth and Dan Lee about their experience working at their respective companies. The talks will encompass both the application process and what their days looked like working there. Feel free to come down, if you want to learn more about what year in industry is like.

Lightning Talks + Pub Quiz

We will be starting the evening with Lightning talks, where anyone can give a (5-10 minute) light talk, about any topic. We’ll end the night with a pub quiz, as a way to see out the semester. Please get in touch if you want to do a lightning talk. Feel free to come along if you want to listen and test your tech knowledge.

CPU Design

This will be a talk introducing the world of CPU design. This will be run by Matthew Houghton who has extensive experience working on CPU design and CPU simulations.

Esoteric Languages Workshop

An introduction to the world of esoteric languages (esolangs), which are programming languages without any real useful/practical value, but they are quite funny. Some Esolang examples are: Malborge, Piet, Chef, BrainFuck. This trivial snippet descirbes how to briefly print(“Hello world”) in the esolang Shakespeare: The Art of the Introduction. Romeo, a young man with remarkable patience. Juliet, a likewise remarkable young woman. The world. [ Enter Romeo and Juliet ] Romeo: Listen to your heart! Read more...