

Lightning Talks

A bunch of short talks given by members. There will also be a fun quiz. If you want to give a talk, please go to hacksoc.net/lightning and tell us what you talk will be about. This event will be hosted in the function room of the Rose & Crown pub, which is near Jubilee Campus.

AGM (Elect the Next Committee!)

Come and elect your next committee! On Thursday the 31st we have our AGM, where we will be electing next year’s committee. Candidates will give a short speech on why they should do the role, and then you, the members, will vote in the candidates you want to see on next year’s committee. There will be free pizza for everyone that comes to the AGM, so please come along to vote! Read more...

Accessibiity Talk

In this talk we will be having an overview of computing accessability. There may also be a demo.

Programming Café

Hello and welcome to our programming cafe events! This is a much more laid back event than our workshops and talks, just rock up and work on a project, and speak to other people about their projects! We’ll be encouraging people to do a brief show and tell towards the end, and you may end up spotlit in our newsletter! We will also have coffee and tea. The event will take place in the Exchange Building C33. Read more...

React Workshop

A workshop on React, a JavaScript framework developed by Facebook.

AWS 'Serverless' Workshop

Amazon Web Services, or AWS, is a computing platform which powers somewhere between 30-50% of the entire web. Chances are you’re using something that runs on it right now. AWS provides compute, databases, storage, API services, but also some more obscure things like blockchain and even managed satellite groundstations and robotics applications. In this workshop, you’ll learn to make a “serverless” (yes, I know - it’s a dumb name…) application from scratch using AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, and API Gateway. Read more...

Microcontroller Workshop

In this workshop you can learn how to build some simple circuits and how to program a microcontroller to interact with electronic components, all while building a fun project. Each person will work with an individual microcontroller and electronic components to create a memory game, similar to the Simon Says electronic game.

Programming Café

Hello and welcome to our programming cafe events! This is a much more laid back event than our workshops and talks, just rock up and work on a project, and speak to other people about their projects! We’ll be encouraging people to do a brief show and tell towards the end, and you may end up spotlit in our newsletter! We will also have coffee and tea. The event will take place in the Exchange Building C33. Read more...

Hosting Workshop

Even if you have the best service in the world, it is all for nought if no one can access it. In this workshop GenSec James will be talking and walking you through hosting a web server serving the popular game Wordle, including steps such as DNS, Firewall, Ports, security hardening and other best practices. This knowledge can be applied to hosting almost any service in an internet accessible way, whether a website, game server, API, or something else. Read more...

Python Internals Talk

What actually happens when you tell Python to print("Hello, world!")? How does your computer turn the characters you type into something it understands, and then how exactly is this executed? What does it even mean to compile Python code - isn’t it an interpreted language? All of these questions and more will be answered in this talk. Using Python as an example, Zac will give an in-depth look into how interpreted programming languages work from the ground up. Read more...