Computerphile, Hello World!

Computerphile, Hello World!
Coming up tonight we have our last event of the term, a talk on the Computerphile YouTube channel from the people behind it.
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Computerphile, Hello World! - An origin story
Coming up tonight, the 30th of March, at 7pm on Zoom we have a talk on the famous Computerphile YouTube channel on how the channel came to be from Sean Riley who films, edits and runs the channel, alongside frequent hosts Dr. Steve Bagley and Dr. Mike Pound.
With nearly 2 million subscribers, the Computerphile YouTube channel has a special connection to University of Nottingham’s Computer Science. Where did Computerphile come from? Why Nottingham? How do the videos get made?
After completing A-Levels in Maths, Physics and Art in the dim and distant past, Sean decided that Maths and Physics seemed too much like hard work and embarked on a media career. First he ran around Soho with video tapes. Next, he managed to snag a job flying around the world installing and training people how to use broadcast (TV) software systems, it seems that maths and physics hadn’t escaped entirely! After a side-shuffle into operating those software systems, he settled in the East Midlands, working at BBC Nottingham as a TV News director and all-round dogs-body. Here he met journalist Brady Haran, of Numberphile and Periodic Table of Videos fame. As BBC budgets were squeezed, all BBC Staff were taught to self-shoot, and use both cameras and editing software. Sean now had the tools to annoy thousands of people on YouTube with shaky camera work and home-made animations.
Dr. Steve Bagley and Dr. Mike Pound are both computer science lecturers ar the University of Nottingham, and will also be giving us their takes on the channel.
Be sure to come along for what promises to be a great event!
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