
Contact Us

If you have any questions, suggestions, or anything else, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We aim to respond to all messages within 24 hours, but it’s possible that we may miss one. If we don’t respond after a couple of days, please send another message!

How to contact us

  • If you’re a member of HackSoc, the best way to get in contact with us is through our Discord server. Either send a message into one of the text channels, raise a support ticket, or feel free to directly message a member of committee. You can also email us at committee@hacksocnotts.co.uk, but replies will likely be slower.

  • If you’re not a member, the best way to contact us is through email. Our committee email address is committee@hacksocnotts.co.uk, or you may email our President directly at eva.davis@hacksocnotts.co.uk.

Want to speak for us?

Do you have a talk or a workshop that you would like to deliver to HackSoc members? That’s great! We’re always looking for guest speakers. Please send us an email at committee@hacksocnotts.co.uk, giving us a quick summary of what your talk is about. Note, we need at minimum four weeks notice, to get things sorted internally, so please let us know as far in advance as possible!

We’re flexible with timings—ideally a guest talk or workshop would take place at 7pm on a Tuesday or a Thursday, but this is not set in stone. Also, while we generally prefer speakers delivering talks in person, our members are also interested in virtual talks.

Reporting Code of Conduct breaches

We take breaches of our Code of Conduct seriously. If you believe that another member has done something they shouldn’t have, please let us know via any of the contact methods above.