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Game Development Workshop

Game development with SDL2! Probably the most fun you can have while using C.

In this two-part workshop series, we will be going through the basics of game development using the popular SDL2 library (used for many real games, including most of Valve’s catalogue), covering everything you need to make your own game from scratch!

In this, the first part of the series, we will go over the principles of SDL2, to give you a flavour of how it all works. The nice thing about game development is once you know the basics, you can pretty much do anything, so this should set you up nicely to make some cool games on your own (or at the very least, to know what words to google to find out).

The workshop will be taught using the C programming language, but if you don’t like thinking about memory management feel free to use another language of your choice. SDL2 is available for basically every language out there (bonus points if you use Haskell).

If you’ve ever thought it would be cool to make a game, this is the workshop for you! But SDL2 isn’t just for games - anything graphical is possible. SDL is used for video playback software, emulators, and audio synths, to name just a few.

If you plan to come, it may be useful to get SDL2 installed on your laptop ahead of time to save time. There are plenty of instructions for this on their website, https://www.libsdl.org.


10 November, 2022


A07, Comp Sci